
Geostatistical Toolbox

This toolbox collects all functions needed to run different geostatistical tasks. Variogram analysis can be done with variogram, which wraps the scikit-gstat Variogram class.

Variogram estimation

There are two major functions to estimate variograms. The variogram function and the gridsearch, which will select optimal variogram parameters, based on a cross-validated score.

Variogram examples

Content of hydrobox.geostat:

variogram(coordinates, values[, estimator, …])

Uses scikit-gstat to estimate a Variogram.

gridsearch(param_grid[, variogram, …])

Automated GridSerarch for best variogram parameters.


Kriging can be performed, after a variogram was estimated. the Variogram is exported to gstools and one of the Krige classes will be used for kriging.

Kriging examples

simple_kriging(variogram, grid_resolution, mean)

Use a scikit-gstat Variogram to estimate spatial properties of a sample.

ordinary_kriging(variogram, grid_resolution)

Use a scikit-gstat Variogram to estimate spatial properties of a sample.

universal_kriging(variogram, …[, exact, …])

Use a scikit-gstat Variogram to estimate spatial properties of a sample.

ext_drift_kriging(variogram, …[, exact, …])

Use a scikit-gstat Variogram to estimate spatial properties of a sample.