Show Attributes#


The show_ endpoints are meant to be used by admins to build functionality into their metacatalog deployment. These endpoints are not really helpful for the end-user.


metacatalog.api.show_attributes(table_name, add_type=False)#

Returns a list of available attributes on the given table. The table_name has to match the actual table in the database.

  • table_name (str) – Name of the table the attributes are requested for.

  • add_type (bool) – If True, a list of tuples will be returned. The tuple will contain (column_table, colmun_data_type)


attributes – List of attributes available on the requested table.

Return type:




api.show_attribute is one of the very few api endpoints that don’t need a session to connect to the database, as it is using the models to collect the information requested. Thus, you don’t need actual database connection to use this function.

from metacatalog import api
api.show_attributes(table_name='persons', add_type=True)
[('id', Integer()),
 ('first_name', String(length=128)),
 ('last_name', String(length=128)),
 ('affiliation', String(length=1024))]