Command Line Interface#

The used on installing metacatalog installed a command line script which is also registered in the current anaconda environment (if used any). Therefore, just running


should work fine. If you however experience problems, which seem to happen on Windows quite frequently, there is also a CLI-like entrypoint into metacatalog. You can use it like:

python -m metacatalog

Under the hood, exactly the same script gets executed.

Builtin Help#

Like with most cli, you can pass the -h flag to any command and sub-command to show the builtin help for the current command.

metacatalog -h


usage: metacatalog [-h] {create,populate,init,connection,find,show,add} ...

MetaCatalog management CLI

optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    CLI commands

    create              Create a new Metacatalog instance.
    populate            Populate the database with default auxiliary data.
    init                Runs the create and and the populate command.
    connection          Manage stored connections
    find                Find records in the database on exact matches.
    show                Show database structure or records.
    add                 Add new records to the database. Has to be combined
                        with one of the data origin flags.

Command Overview#