Show command#


The help text for the show subcommand can be shown by passing the -h flag.

metacatalog show -h
usage: metacatalog show [-h] [--version] [--connection CONNECTION] [--verbose]
                        [--quiet] [--dev] [--logfile LOGFILE] [--names-only]
                        [--limit LIMIT] [--where WHERE] [--truncate]
                        {attributes,records} table

positional arguments:
  {attributes,records}  Element to be shown. attributes Show table attributes.
                        records Show raw table records
  table                 Table name.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version, -v         Returns the module version
                        Connection string to the database instance.Follows the
                        syntax: driver://user:password@host:port/database
  --verbose, -V         Activate extended output.
  --quiet, -q           Suppress any kind of output.
  --dev                 Development mode. Unexpected errors will not be
                        handled and the full traceback is printed to the
  --logfile LOGFILE     If a file is given, output will be written to that
                        file instead of printed to StdOut.
  --names-only          Show only the attribute names. Only valid with
                        'attribute' action.
  --limit LIMIT, -L LIMIT
                        Only valid with 'records' action. Will limit the
                        number of records returned
  --where WHERE         Only valid with 'records' action. Raw SQL WHERE clause
                        to filter the results. Use carefully.
  --truncate, -T        Only valid with 'records' action. Truncates string
                        output to 12 signs.


The show command might be completely replaced by a export command.