Custom Extensions#

The basic mechanism to add new extensions to metacatalog is to create an Interface class and call the adding method of metacatalog.

A new interface class has to inherit from MetacatalogExtensionInterface and can be added like:

class DummyExtension(MetacatalogExtensionInterface):
    def init_extension(self):

from metacatalog.ext import extension

extension('dummy', DummyExtension)

You can do almost anything within the init function of the Extension. E.g. you can add a new method to the Entry model:

from metacatalog.models import Entry
import json

def save(self):
    with open('test.json', 'w') as js:
        json.dump(self.to_dict(), js)

class SaveToFileExtension(MetacatalogExtensionInterface):
    def init_extension(cls):
        setattr(Entry, 'saveToJson', save)

More complicated examples are also possible. The following example will re-implement the __init__ function of Entry to add a print statement on each initialization. The difference here is, that the old __init__ functions is copied and executed inside the new __init__ function.

from metacatalog.models import Entry
from metacatalog import ext

class PrintExtension(ext.MetacatalogExtensionInterface):
    def init_extension(cls):
        init = Entry.__init__
        def new_init(self, *args, **kwargs):
            init(self, *args, **kwargs)
            print('New Entry build')
        Entry.__init__ = init

ext.extension('print', PrintExtension)
class metacatalog.ext.base.MetacatalogExtensionInterface#

Abstract Base Class for Metacatalog extensions.

To create a new Metacatalog extension, you need define a new interface class. This class needs at least implement the init_extension(), which will be executed as soon as the extension is added to metacatalog. For this, you can use the metacatalog.ext.extension() function.

classmethod init_cli(subparsers: _SubParsersAction[ArgumentParser], defaults: ArgumentParser) None#

Add a new ArgumentParser to the metacatalog CLI. The main CLI argument parser will call the init_cli class method of all active extensions and pass the main subparser to the init function. The second argument is the ArgumentParser, which holds the default arguments, that should affect all CLI functions.


from metacatalog.ext import MetacatalogExtensionInterface

class MyExt(MetacatalogExtensionInterface):
    def init_extension(cls):

    def cli(cls, args):
        if not args.quiet:

    def init_cli(cls, subparsers, defaults):
        myparser = subparsers.add_parser('foobar', parents=[defaults], help="Just a foobar parser")
        myparser.add_argument('foo', type=str, help="A nonsense argument")