Standards Export Extension#

class metacatalog.ext.standards_export.StandardsExportExtension#

Extension to export Entries in standard format. ISO 19115 and DataCite metadata standard formats are supported. The exported standard is determined by the jinja template passed to the extension functions as parameter template_path.

Adds the method standards_export to Entry which returns the metadata standard as a Python XML ElementTree representation for the ImmutableResultSet of the Entry. The method create_standards_xml is added to the API (metacatalog.api.catalog), which is used to export Entries / ImmutableResultSets in the database session and write the XML files to the folder location specified in path. Additionally, the command standards-export is added to the metacatalog CLI. The command is used to export one or more Entries via the command line.

Changed in version 0.8.3.

Support for DataCite export added.

classmethod cli_create_standards_xml(args)#

Adds functionality to the metacatalog CLI to export metadata of Entries in standard format as .xml files. Export one or more Entries, which are identified by positional argument entries. Entries can be identified by ID or UUID and are exported in standard format. The metadata standard is specified with argument –format. The produced .xml file is saved to the location specified with argument –path. If no path is given, the .xml file is saved to the current working directory. Use the flag –all to export all entries in the given metacatalog connection. Use the flag –strict to only export well-formed and content validated XML files (defaults to False).

New in version 0.8.2.


With the following command, ISO 19115 XML files for the entries with id=10 and id=20 in the default database session are created under the specified path:

$ python -m metacatalog standards-export 10 20 --format iso19115 --path /path/to/store/xmls --connection default


The content of the xml files will be created using a ImmutableResultSet. This will lazy-load sibling Entries and parent groups as needed for a useful Metadata export.

create_standards_xml() None#
create_standards_xml() ElementTree

This function can be imported from metacatalog.api.catalog

Create standard metadata XML file for an entry, which is found by its id or uuid. The XML file is saved to the folder given in path. If path does not end with ‘.xml’, the name of the XML file is generated with the uuid of the used ImmutableResultSet, depending on the exported standard: * f"iso19115_{irs_uuid}.xml". * f"datacite_{irs_uuid}.xml” If no path is given, the ElementTree XML representation is returned.

New in version 0.8.1.

  • session (sqlalchemy.Session) – SQLAlchemy session connected to the database.

  • id_or_uuid (Union[int, str]) – id or uuid of the Entry to be exported.

  • config_dict (dict) –

    Configuration dictionary, containing information about the data provider. The following keys and their values are expected when rendering the jinja template:

        contact = dict(
            organisationName = '',
            deliveryPoint = '',
            city = '',
            administrativeArea = '',
            postalCode = '',
            country = '',
            electronicMailAddress = ['', ''],
            linkage = '',
            linkage_name = '',
            linkage_description = ''
        publisher = dict(
            organisation_name = ''

  • path (str) – Location where the .xml file is saved to. If path ends with the name of the XML file (i.e. ends with ‘.xml’), the file is named as given. If path is a folder location, the name of the XML file is auto-generated with the uuid of the ImmutableResultSet of the entry and the exported standard. If no path is given, the class:ElementTree <xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree> XML object is returned.

  • template_path (str) – Full path (including the template name) to the jinja2 template for metadata export. This determines the metadata standard for export. Defaults to ISO 19115 template.

  • strict

    New in version 0.8.3.

    If strict is True, only syntactically (well-formed) and content validated XML files are generated. Note that in this version, DataCite XML files are never valid in terms of content, as metacatalog does currently not provice DOIs for its datasets. In the case of ISO 19115, content is currently not validated and a NotImplementedError is raised. Defaults to False.


xml_etree – If no path is given, the ElementTree object representing the XML ElementTree in Python is returned. If a path is given, the .xml is created and None is returned.

Return type:

Union[ElementTree, None]


The content of the file is created using a ImmutableResultSet. This will lazy-load sibling Entries and parent groups as needed for a useful Metadata export.

classmethod init_cli(subparsers, defaults)#

Add the parser standards-export to the metacatalog CLI and register arguments.

classmethod standards_export(entry_or_resultset: Union[Entry, ImmutableResultSet], config_dict: dict = {}, template_path: str = '/home/runner/work/metacatalog/metacatalog/metacatalog/ext/standards_export/schemas/iso19115/iso19115-2.j2', strict: bool = False) ElementTree#

Export a Entry or ImmutableResultSet to XML. The metadata standard is determined by the jinja2 template passed to this function as paramter template_path. Always returns an ElementTree object.

This function is added as a method to Entry when the extension is activated.

New in version 0.7.7.

  • entry_or_resultset (Union[Entry, ImmutableResultSet]) – The entry instance to be exported

  • config_dict (dict) –

    Configuration dictionary, containing information about the data provider. The following keys and their values are expected when rendering the jinja template:

        contact = dict(
            organisationName = '',
            deliveryPoint = '',
            city = '',
            administrativeArea = '',
            postalCode = '',
            country = '',
            electronicMailAddress = ['', ''],
            linkage = '',
            linkage_name = '',
            linkage_description = ''
        publisher = dict(
            organisation_name = ''

    It is also possible to create a .json file standards_export_contact.json containing the contact information and add the path to this file to the metacatalog CONFIGFILE under the top level key extra:

        "standards_export_contact": "/path/to/standards_export_contact.json"

  • template_path (str) – Full path (including the template name) to the jinja2 template for metadata export. This determines the metadata standard for export. Defaults to ISO 19115 template.

  • strict (bool) –

    New in version 0.8.3.

    If strict is True, only syntactically (well-formed) and content validated XML files are generated. Note that in version v0.8.3, DataCite XML files are never valid in terms of content, as metacatalog does currently not provice DOIs for its datasets. In the case of ISO 19115, content is currently not validated and a NotImplementedError is raised. Defaults to False.


xml_etree – The ElementTree object representing the XML ElementTree in Python.

Return type:



The content of the file is created using a ImmutableResultSet. This will lazy-load sibling Entries and parent groups as needed for a useful metadata export.